Thursday, 10 September 2009

How David Cameron gets around with his family

From Register of Members Interests:

CAMERON, Rt Hon David (Witney)
Gifts, benefits and hospitality

16 August 2008, private plane from Farnborough to Istanbul for my wife and two children. Then from Istanbul to Santorini, and return to Dalaman, for myself, my wife and two children; provided by Matthew Freud, of London. (Registered 15 September 2008)

Keeping it in the family

List of the large number of family members employed by UK MP's. To give you an idea, here's how it starts:

AINGER, Nick (Camarthen West and South Pembrokeshire)

    I employ my wife, Sally Ainger, as Senior Caseworker.

AINSWORTH, Bob (Coventry North East)

    I employ my wife, Gloria Ainsworth, as part-time Caseworker/Secretarial Assistant.

AMESS, David (Southend West)

    I employ my wife, Julia Amess, as part-time Secretary/Caseworker.

ANDERSON, Janet (Rossendale and Darwen)

    I employ my son, David Humphreys, as Research/Parliamentary Assistant.

ATKINS, Charlotte (Staffordshire Moorlands)

    I employ my husband, Gus Brain, as part-time Senior Research/Parliamentary Assistant.

ATKINSON, Peter (Hexham)

    I employ my wife, Brione Atkinson, as part-time Office Manager/Executive Secretary.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Boom time for things that go BOOM!

Via Cryptogon/New York Times

Despite a recession that knocked down global arms sales last year, the United States expanded its role as the world’s leading weapons supplier, increasing its share to more than two-thirds of all foreign armaments deals, according to a new Congressional study.

Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Paralysis

From Global Research

In other words, what we have with the new versions of H1N1 “swine flu” vaccine is an untested, potentially dangerous cocktail of chemicals and viral fragments that could plausibly be linked to a devastating neurological condition, or worse.

The future of UK education? A warning from the US

From Greg Palast:

This is educational eugenics: Identify the nation's loser class early on. Trap them, then train them cheap. Someone has to care for the privileged. No society can have winners without lots and lots of losers.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

John Pilger speech on Obama

John Pilger on Obama

Where's your nearest mobile phone mast?

Find out here and what the jargon means here.

9/11 Investigation Still Required

Patriots Question 9/11:

41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11

29 Structural & Civil Engineers Cite Evidence for Controlled Explosive Demolition in Collapses of All 3 WTC High-Rises on 9/11

Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors

Via Radiation Research

The exposé discusses research on cellphones and brain tumors and concludes:

  • There is a risk of brain tumors from cellphone use;
  • Telecom funded studies underestimate the risk of brain tumors, and;
  • Children have larger risks than adults for brain tumors.