Tuesday, 12 May 2009

So even the LibDems have had their snouts in the trough, as Ming Campbell has been putting beds and cushions on his Additional Costs Allowance. Today there was an appalling parade of Tory toffs and their allowances for moat cleaning, horse manure and helipad maintenance. Yes, this is what we'll get if Cameron gets in. They will be no different than they were the last time. Remember Hamilton, Aitken, 'Victorian Values' Major with his minor in a Currie. But lo, Tebbit speaks and says don't vote for any of the main political parties in the European elections.

Meanwhile, Stephen Fry decries all the fuss over MP's expenses. We all fiddle our expenses, he says, particularly venal journalists. His masochism and self-loathing cause him to find fault with himself in the midst of the biggest political loss of trust since the last one. I expect more from MPs. Never mind, that the sums are small compared to the banker bailouts. This lot of MPs work for us, and are supposed to account to us for how they spend billions of taxpayer revenue. So, yes, many journalists are scum and the old owner of the Telegraph is a convicted crook, but this is the best kind of chequebook journalism. The truth is out. Even if MPs tried to keep all of this secret.

A technological society cuts both ways. All of these misdemeanours were discretely downloaded onto disk and brought into the public domain. Prior to this they would have had to be photocopied like the Pentagon Papers. Hopefully this is a lesson to all of the control freaks in government that the truth will always get out there.

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