Friday, 24 July 2009

Virginia Tech Shooter's Psych Doctor Hid Mental Health Records

Answers please.

From Natural News:

What, exactly is in those mental health records that Dr. Miller hid in his home for two years? And why did he lie about hiding them in his home, only later to reveal them during the discovery phase of court proceedings?

And why was this same person allowed to serve as a substitute Incident Commander on the incident response team? Is it possible that Cho's fear of Dr. Miller was one of the reasons he lashed out by killing 30 other students and shooting himself? Could Dr. Miller now be somehow implicated in the death of all these students?

In the Virginia Tech shootings, there was no investigation whatsoever into Cho's psychiatric medication use, nor was there any toxicological analysis performed on his body to determine whether he was taking psychiatric medications. Is this the smoking gun that will be found in Cho's medical records -- that he was on antidepressant drugs at the time he shot and killed 30 people, then turned the gun on himself?"

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